The corporate ladder, with its coveted management rungs, used to be an enticing climb for many.
Yet, the latest data suggests that the desire to grasp the title of “manager” is waning. Are we looking at the beginning of the end for traditional management roles? Or does this signal a clarion call for reinvention in leadership?
The Management Enigma: Why The Fall in Aspiration?
In a recent survey by my company, only 38% of 1,000 employees aspired to become a manager at their workplace. The lack of interest isn’t isolated to any particular industry but appears to be a broad-based sentiment.
Historically, management roles signified prestige and power, but several factors have dulled its shine:
Trust in Leadership is Waning: Only 21% of workers strongly feel that they can trust the leaders in their organization, a number that’s been on a downward trend, especially post-pandemic.
Rise of the Individual Contributor: Particularly in sectors like tech, talented individuals can earn salaries and benefits comparable to senior management roles without the responsibility of managing teams.
Perceived Imbalance in Work-Life: The perceived stress, extended hours, and pressure associated with management roles make them less attractive, especially when priorities are shifting towards mental and physical well-being and family time.
Addressing the Management Void

With technological disruptions and a tight labor market, companies need leadership more than ever. Yet, filling this “missing middle” is becoming a significant challenge.
Redefining Management: The concept of “player-coaches,” popular in tech, offers a hybrid model where individuals can be contributors while leading teams. This model retains field engagement while cultivating managerial skills.
Valuing Management Afresh: Attractive bonuses, better job titles, more paid time off, and an increase in autonomy and responsibilities are some of the ways companies are trying to make management roles more attractive.
Empowering with Technology: Tech tools, like smart compensation tools and skills-mapping applications, can significantly reduce managerial burdens. These tools not only make processes efficient but also bring in transparency, fairness, and objectivity.
The Underlying Challenge: Leadership Training and Role Models
It’s important to question if the reluctance towards management roles is due to a shortage of inspiring leadership role models. Furthermore, it’s worth asking if companies recognize that emerging managers need formal training both in management principles and effective people leadership.
This is the heart of the challenge. According to Deloitte, while 73% of managers believe they should exemplify well-being to their teams, only 35% of employees perceive this in their managers. To reinstate the appeal of management, companies must invest in the well-being, training, and tools for their managers.
In the grand scheme, businesses need to realize that for the corporate Jenga tower to remain steady, every block, especially the middle management ones, needs careful handling and nurturing. Ignoring this could see the structure destabilize or even collapse. If companies can address these issues, they might just be able to reverse the current trend and restore the allure of leadership roles in the corporate world.
One Solution
As a leader, I firmly believe that merely acknowledging a problem isn’t sufficient; it’s essential to confront and overcome it. A tool that I’ve found immensely valuable, yet surprisingly underutilized in many organizations, is anonymous 360 Feedback. The candid feedback I received through this system was a transformative experience for me. It served as a clear mirror, revealing a significant leadership gap that I might have otherwise overlooked.
Guided by the insights from this feedback, I sought out specialized training and coaching. With dedicated effort, I was able to address and rectify my shortcomings in a relatively short span. I remain deeply grateful for this invaluable feedback, as it catalyzed my growth as a leader and reinforced the importance of continuous self-improvement.
The Power of 360 Feedback: The Lens to Effective Leadership
Amidst the reshaping of the managerial landscape, there’s another crucial dimension that businesses must not overlook: the feedback mechanism. The evolving corporate milieu calls for feedback to be more robust, comprehensive, and frequent. This is where 360-degree feedback takes center stage.
360 Feedback: The What and Why
360 feedback is an assessment where a manager receives feedback not just from their superiors but also from their peers, direct reports, and sometimes even customers. This holistic anonymous feedback mechanism has proven efficacy for several reasons:
Real-time Insights: It offers managers a mirror to their performance from multiple angles.
Skill-based Analysis: It creates a roadmap for managers based on their actual skill levels and effectiveness as leaders rather than a one-dimensional perspective.
Anonymous Nature: The feedback is typically anonymous, which encourages genuine and honest responses.
A Tale of Two Managers: The Impact of Feedback (Or Lack Thereof)

Case Study 1: The Downfall of an Uninformed Leader
Company A prided itself on its robust performance metrics and was known to reward managers based on just the numbers. John, a manager, consistently delivered on his targets but lacked interpersonal skills. Since the company did not have a mechanism for feedback from direct reports, John continued in his ways, oblivious to the detrimental effects.
His team experienced a high rate of burnout and turnover. The word got around, and the company found it challenging to attract top talent. Additionally, John’s abrasive style created friction with peers, leading to inefficiencies in cross-functional projects. The lack of upward communication meant senior management remained unaware until the damage was significant. The company suffered losses in the form of a talent drain, delayed projects, and a tarnished employer brand.
Case Study 2: The Rebirth of a True Leader
Company B, after witnessing stagnation in its growth, decided to adopt a 360-feedback program as part of a comprehensive investment in people development. Sarah, one of their managers, had always been seen as efficient by her superiors. However, when the 360-feedback rolled in, she was surprised. The anonymous feedback highlighted her tendency to micro-manage and not acknowledge her team’s efforts.
Taking the feedback constructively, Sarah took advantage of the company’s new leadership training and worked on her communication and delegation skills. She knew exactly what she needed to work on and was very focused on fixing her challenge. Her team, seeing the genuine effort and changes, felt more valued and motivated. Not only did her team’s productivity see a spike, but inter-departmental collaborations also improved as Sarah’s changed approach positively influenced peer interactions.
Over time, Company B witnessed a marked improvement in overall morale, employee retention, and productivity. The ripple effects of their 360-feedback program were evident not just at the individual manager level but across the organizational spectrum.
The corporate structure, much like any living entity, needs constant monitoring and care. Leaders, the pillars of this structure, need regular check-ins, not just on their task performance but, more crucially, on their leadership capabilities. Tools like 360 feedback offer a comprehensive, genuine, and actionable avenue for this, ensuring that the leaders are effective and the organizational fabric remains strong.
At Results Driven Leadership, we recognize the transformative power of feedback for growth. That’s why we’ve developed a highly effective online 360 feedback program complemented by a state-of-the-art tracking tool. Our commitment is to foster leadership excellence, and we would be thrilled to share this invaluable resource with you and your company. Let’s collaborate and embark on a journey towards enhanced leadership efficacy and organizational success.