Build a More Productive Team With Our
DISC Personality Tests

Find out what motivates your team to do their best work with our DISC personality tests.


Build a More Productive Team With Our DISC Personality Tests

Find out what motivates your team to do their best work with our DISC personality tests.

Gain a Deeper Understanding of Your Team

You have a fantastic team that gives you their best effort every single day. However, if your leadership style doesn’t cater to their strengths, they may not be able to reach their full potential.

Our DISC behavioral assessments can help you and your team identify their strengths, weaknesses, communication differences, and personality types so you communicate with them more effectively and increase employee satisfaction and productivity.

Don’t risk losing your best talent to misunderstandings and poor communication. Invest in our DISC personality tests today.

What Is the DISC Personality Test?

The DISC personality test is a behavioral assessment designed to help you understand the behavioral differences among leadership and employees, providing you with actionable feedback on your team. It can help you determine how to communicate best, motivate yourself and your employees, and aid in conflict resolution, allowing you to create a happier working environment. This will enable you to create more teamwork and less tension while reducing employee turnover and hiring costs.


DISC Personal Reports reveal a person’s “how” by analyzing natural and adapted behavioral factors. You may find these reports valuable for personal and professional development, hiring, and many job-related situations.


DISC Comparison Reports combine the DISC results of two individuals. You can use this report to identify similarities and differences between two people to help improve communication through understanding. This assessment is perfect for those looking to build a better relationship through informed conflict resolution and better insights about each other.


DISC Team Reports visualize the results of multiple individual DISC assessments into one collective team snapshot. This report highlights how each individual fits within the overall team dynamic. It measures individual behavioral styles of each team member for discovering trends and for improving team communication and dynamics.

What Does the DISC Assessment Measure?

DISC measures four behavioral factors: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. The TTI SI behavior continuum further illuminates these factors.

DISC Assessment and Insight Graph examples - A service RDL offers.


Deals with how an individual solves problems and challenges.


Deals with how an individual handles people and contacts.


Measures how someone handles pace and consistency.


Measures how someone handles procedures and compliance.


Communication Skills

Understanding your DISC profile is the first step towards excellent communication skills. We provide a full-length report that includes your personal do’s and don’ts for communication, plus offer coaching and dynamic communication workshops to reinforce key points.


Your DISC report further includes a “Time Wasters” section, showing your personal areas of weakness relating to productivity – and exactly what to do about them. Combined with the remaining behavioral insights in your DISC report, you are empowered to know exactly how to make your DISC style work overtime for you.


DISC should never be used alone for selection – it will only provide a marginal increase in hiring confidence (about 10% higher). In combination with Driving Forces and DNA Competencies, however, we can achieve 80% hiring confidence – and by adding Acumen, over 90% hiring confidence.

Sales Skills

Ready to close more deals? Getting trained in DISC is an excellent starting point, because it will teach you how to identify your buyer’s communication style and purchasing habits. Armed with this information, you can speak their language, ask the right questions, and move at the correct pace. You’ll also get a cheat sheet showing exactly where to sit and how to read buying signals

Benefits of DISC Testing

The DISC personality test can help you enhance work relationships, aid in personal development, and increase efficiency. Using the insights you gain from your assessments can help:

  • Improve communication among team members and management
  • Identify job candidates that are a better fit for your organization
  • Reduce job turnover and hiring costs
  • Identify modifications and accommodations that improve workplace efficiency
  • Increase employee satisfaction and engagement
  • Boost revenue and increase profit margins
  • Enhance your leadership skills
  • Expedite conflict resolution
  • And more

Our DISC assessments are also relatively quick, only taking about twenty minutes to complete. This allows you to gain actionable insights, letting you implement change right away.

How Our DISC Tests Work

Sign up today to take a FREE DISC personality test, or contact us to set up testing for your entire team. We can also schedule tests for potential job candidates.

The DISC assessment should take about 20 minutes to complete. Once you are done, you can set up a meeting with one of our consultants to discuss your results.

Your results will give you key insights into your behavior and what motivates your employees. This will allow you to modify your approach and steer your business toward success.

Examples of DISC reports - A service that RDL offers.

Schedule Your DISC Personality Profile Tests

The first step towards creating a healthier, more productive workplace is determining how to help your team thrive. Schedule your DISC personality test today.