Scaling your business requires a team to all be rowing in the same direction.

Results-Driven Corporate Alignment training is about forming habits and getting all team members to understand and respect all roles on the team and work together towards common goals with synergy.

In addition to the in-person online group training by a Results-Driven Corporate Alignment Trainer, each participant will receive course materials and individual coaching on the topics covered.

This approach ensures the lessons taught at each month’s class are not only understood but implemented. It promotes the scaling of your team and empowers them to be better aligned with your organization’s goals and vision, as well as with those with whom they work.


When your managers aren’t aligned with your vision, your business suffers. That’s why corporate alignment is vital to building a successful and thriving organization. We help transform disparate staff into unified teams – so you can take your business to the next level.

Each topic will help your management team be more productive, more cohesive, and supportive of each other resulting in less stress for the team and the organization’s key decision maker.

  • “Alignment Check” Questionnaire
  • Changing Your Patterns of Interaction
  • Trusting Environment of Mutual Respect
  • Conduct a self-examination identifying your fit with all four elements in PAVE
  • Identify your Competitive Edge Activities
  • Determine the current “fit” level of your key activities in your current position
  • Develop a strategy for revising your job description so that it includes more focus on your Competitive Edge Activities
  • Accountability is an essential early step for improving the productive relationship between a DR and their KDM
  • Jump-start the processes that make KDMs dramatically more effective and DRs more likely to assume high-impact roles
  • 6 “win-win” outcomes
  • Alignment means two-way communication; overcoming obstacles to two-way communication
  • Unintentional barriers to alignment; subconscious or semi-conscious
  • Receive, Internalize, Act: 3 Step Process to improve two-way communication
  • The organization’s culture starts at the top
  • Culture = Behavior; Culture is learned through interaction
  • 5 core values that support a productive workplace culture
  • An organization’s vision statement reflects the KDM’s personal vision of success and happiness
  • 9 Factors to determine the future of the organization
  • The Pocket Vision: The KDM’s privileged, and perhaps sensitive, personal vision
  • 3 step process to identify Critical Success Factors
  • An Organization Diagnostic
  • A Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) assessment
  • Create a mutually-agreed-upon, written, Critical Success Factor Statement
  • Goals
  • Strategies
  • Action Plans, Project Plans, and Tactics
  • Project Plan List
  • Priority To-Do List
  • Clarity and How to Get There
  • Move beyond “putting out fires”; focus on high-level, long-term strategic thinking
  • Pre-Annual Team Meeting Protocols
  • Identify Critical Success Factors and your organization’s Driving Critical Success Factor
  • Identify who should attend
  • Understanding Your Team Role
  • Create a Manifesto to attain your Critical Success Factors (CSFs)
  • Accept that this never stops
  • How far your organization has progressed in alignment
  • Identify which factors of alignment are NOT yet working at the highest level…and Why?