Effective Business Coaching

Many business owners and executives see leadership as an afterthought. They address it only when problems arise. But, leadership plays a much larger role in a company’s success. It is more significant than most realize.

Strong leaders are needed at all levels. They are vital for unlocking your organization’s full potential. They also lead to lasting, sustainable growth.

Transform Your Organization With Dynamic Business Coaching.

Exceptional Leadership

At RDL, we understand the transformative power of great leadership. It can have a significant impact on any business. For years, we have provided business coaching and mentoring. It has helped hundreds of companies across various industries.

Our business coaching courses provide the expert tools and guidance needed to grow leadership. They also empower employees and create a high-performance culture.

The Leadership Gap Holding Businesses Back

Recent studies continue to highlight a significant leadership gap in organizations worldwide. Managers are promoted for individual achievements. But, they often lack the skills to lead teams well. As a result, too many companies experience:

  • High employee turnover due to low morale and engagement. Without solid leadership, employees don’t feel invested in the company’s mission.
  • Poor communication and collaboration between departments. Silos form when there is no cohesive leadership vision tying the organization together.
  • Low innovation and risk-taking. When leaders don’t empower their teams, they don’t cultivate new ideas. They maintain the status quo.
  • A reactive, rather than proactive, approach to problems. Weak leaders put out fires. They don’t strategize for a successful future.
  • Underperformance against goals. Objectives aren’t clearly defined, and team alignment is lacking.

This widespread lack of leadership is a huge threat. It endangers businesses in today’s fast, complex world. Customers want higher-quality, personalized experiences. These can only come from engaged, empowered employees working seamlessly as a team.

We founded RDL to close this gap. It will unleash your organization’s full power.

Innovative Business Coaching Programs

We understand that each organization has different leadership needs. These needs are based on industry, culture, growth stage, and more. This is why we start with a deep needs assessment. We also have a strategy session with an experienced business coach. From there, we will:

  • Identify the leadership gaps holding your leaders back.

  • Design a custom coaching program for your unique need.

  • Recommend the optimal delivery approach.

  • Integrate real-time project work to ensure skills are applied.

  • Provide ongoing support to continue progress.

Business Coach, Business Coaching Programs, Business Coaching and Mentoring, Transform Your Business, Business Coaching Courses


Companies with sales ranging from $2M to $40M.

Innovative start-ups.

Businesses planning an exit strategy within 3-6 years.

Companies facing leadership or management issues.

Businesses in need of resource or interim management.

Business Coach, Business Coaching Programs, Business Coaching and Mentoring, Transform Your Business, Business Coaching Courses


Business services



Food services

Assembly/light manufacturing

Consumer goods


Vaughn Sigmon Speaking to Group. Business Coaching.


Develop corporate and business strategies.

Support day-to-day operations.

Provide interim management.

Oversee operational improvements.

Drive business development.

Act as change agents.

Develop advisory boards.

Leverage professional resources.


We are not your typical coach or consultant. We become your long-term operating partner.

Conduct a comprehensive assessment of your organization’s financial, HR, strategy, marketing, sales, operations, and leadership/management.

Create a 2-4 year plan for your business.

Build a strong advisory team.

Partner with your management team for effective execution.

Focus on business development.

Get Started With Business Coaching Today

Schedule a free consultation today. You will learn how our business coaching programs can transform your organization. There’s no better time than now to close your leadership gaps. Doing so will take performance, growth, and results to a new level.